The Arbors at Dogwood Creek


clipart roads The Arbors at Dog wood Creek is a private road community and our roads DO NOT belong, nor are the responsibility of Bastrop County.

All maintenance and up-keep is the joint responsibility of Arbors property owners.

For that reason it is incumbent on all homeowners to be vigilant for those who disrespect our roads through injurious actions: ie, littering, digging into the road bed, damaging asphalt with misuse of heavy equipment, negligent fuel leaks, concrete spills, dumpster dragging... etc, etc.

The Arbors can rightfully boast to having some of the best roads in Bastrop county. Please help keep them that way...

Road Edge Maintenance

clipart weeds
Proper management of road-edge vegetation is critical to maintaining our roads. Uncontrolled vegetation can cause damage to to road edges when roots burrow under the asphalt and allow water to enter. vegetation can also loosen the hardened roadbed aggregate, enabling erosion effects.

The overwhelming majority of the roadside vegetation is controlled by mechanical means, ie, mowing. However, in some instances, vegetation persistence or equipment limitations render conventional cutting methods ineffective or impossible. For these situations, road managers such as TxDot typically apply herbicides.

The Maintenance Committee has researched several options for controlling road-edge vegetation with the goal to be as environmentally unobtrusive as possible, while still getting the job done. All herbicide spraying is done in accordance to accepted road management methodology.

Click for The official MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for the product used.


clipart firemenThe Arbors subdivision has a mixture of different fire hydrants, painted and color coded as to their capabilities:

Red: These hydrants are capable of providing the high pressure that fire trucks use to pump water directly from the hydrant onto a fire.
Black: These hydrants are not designed to provide high pressure, but are used to fill fire department water pumpers, which do have the capability to provide the pressure to pump water onto a fire..
Stand Pipes: 2" lines used to fill fire truck water pumpers.

Note: The EVFD has the location of every hydrant and pipe stand in our community.
