Animal Emergency Clinics
Aqua Water Supply Corporation
Bastrop Appraisal District
Bastrop County
Bastrop County Animal Control
Wildlife rehabilitators
Bluebonnet Electric Coop
City of Elgin
City of Bastrop
Elgin ISD
Elgin Campus: Austin Community College
Local Movie Theatre
Newspaper: "The Elgin Courier"
Newspaper:"The Bastrop Advertiser"
The Arbors of Dogwood Creek
...occasional visitors
Please watch out for these visitors!
They are not used to traffic and will often cross the road in front of a moving vehicle.
Particularly in the spring, a doe will run across the road, while a fawn follows more slowly a few seconds later.
We've lost fawns to traffic accidents in past years, when drivers evidently didn't realize a baby would be following his mom across the road.